Channel: Tiberio Graziani – Pagina 18 – IsAG // Istituto di Alti Studi in Geopolitica e Scienze Ausiliarie
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Instabilità dei confini in Asia Centrale: minacce sulla sicurezza regionale


No. 12 – July 2013
Author: Fabio Indeo
Language: Italiano
 Central Asia
 Ethnic minorities
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After more than twenty years from the Soviet Union dissolution and the gaining of national independence by the five Central Asian republics, still their boundaries problem is one of the major factors of instability in the area. This article stresses endogenous (as recurring closure of boundaries) and external (as threats from Afghanistan) causes which are feeding such regional instability. Basis of that scenario is the reciprocal rivalry and distrust between Central Asian rulers which impede a desirable platform of regional cooperation and a final and shared solution of boundaries questions. In such situation also efforts by external players are less efficient, as EU programs Cadap and BOMCA or NATO Northern Distribution Network.
Interventions, not only in security sphere, are needed: strenghtening of intra-regional trust, increasing of wages for
frontier guards, defining of a political status for territorial enclaves, guaranteeing of olitical and social rights to ethnic minorities. Afghanistan is a possible model: its inclusive Constitution recognizes the multi-ethnicity of that country and guarantees parliamentary and governative representation to the various minorities.

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